Split Mind and Whole Mind (43 minutes)
[This show was taped in Suzanne's garden. Our apologies for the background noise.]

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Howard's Website is under construction, but you can get a taste of his Miracles Satsang here.

Visit Pennell's Website for information on his work.

Comments by Suzanne

A Course 
in Miracles 

You can visit the official Website of A Course in Miracles for more detailed information on this phenomenal transformation tool.

For an interesting perspective on the relative and the absolute, visit our Mighty Companions interview with Lex Hixon.

Listen to our other shows.


"A coalition already exists in spirit. It is coming together now in the social context by the attraction of its unconventional intelligence and compassionate form of high-mindedness. This natural coalition is drawn together by the recognition that the elevation of consciousness is our fundamental life work. This is a genuinely democratic, self-organizing force, flowing through persons of all descriptions. This force does not flourish as any highly structured form. It is not an institution or a foundation or a non-profit company or anything conventionally named. This coalition is a living organism – natural, wild, free. It is made up of individuals devoted to serving the world and developing themselves as finely tuned instruments of service. They learn to gather in the energy of will-to-good, from which authentic goodwill flows out subtly to the entire world."     -Lex Hixon-
Every Mighty Companions endeavor is done in the spirit of this coalescing so eloquently articulated by our dear friend Lex. We would like to hear your thoughts, which will be considered for posting on this page.

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